Yahoo Finance: The Supreme Court will consider Obamacare's constitutionality — and the outcome could bring 'total chaos'

A repeal of the ACA “would be particularly catastrophic for women,” Sarah Christopherson, policy advocacy director for the National Women’s Health Network, told Yahoo Finance. “Not only did women gain the same protections as everyone else did — such as pre-existing conditions, lifetime and annual caps — women got a number of benefits just to women.”

These benefits include coverage for maternity services and not having to pay out of pocket for contraceptives.

“If the ACA were to be repealed by the Supreme Court, it would be catastrophic for everybody because the ACA is so deeply ingrained in the health system at this point, even the Trump administration’s own priorities, like opioids and prescription drug prices, all depend on the ACA to work,” Christopherson said.



Washington Post: There aren’t enough resources for formula-feeding parents. Here’s why that needs to change.